Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week 7, The Scores

Andi – 75
+5 for crying
+10 for kissing on a group date
+15 for Juan Pablo commenting on her attractiveness
+20 for a date rose
Bonus: +25, mostly for the editors who filmed Juan Pablo making out with Andi in the ocean moments after sending Clare home pissed off. Funny how Andi didn't get shamed for her actions...

Chelsie – 35
+5 for crying
Bonus: +15 for sharing letters from home
+15 for guzzling champagne in the limo home. Why don't all the girls do that?

Clare – 65
+5 for crying
+15 for continuing to milk her personal tragedy by mentioning her Dad's video
+10 for questioning whether Andi is there for the right reason
+5 for a rose
Bonus: +5 for saying "such a mistake" after Nikki got a rose
+ 10 for the hilarious bickering about who paid for the hotel room
+15 for telling Chelsie she didn't have to pee so she wouldn't be forced to remain alone with Nikki
Non-Bonus: Absolutely no points for saying that Sharleen should be "grateful" to be there. There's really nothing grosser than that. 

Nikki – 65
+5 for kissing on a one-on-one
+5 for a rose
+5 for crying
+15 for Juan Pablo commenting on her attractiveness
Bonus: +10 for seriously pissing off Juan Pablo's ex by talking to Camila before she'd had a chance to do so
+10 for hilarious bickering with Clare
+15 for calling Clare's family crazy which was a bit of a low blow. 

Renee – 5
+5 for a rose
Non-Bonus Aside: I award Renee no points for telling Sharleen it would "Haunt her forever" if she left. 

Sharleen – 70
+5 for kissing on a one-on-one
+50 for threatening to leave and following through
+5 for crying
+10 for making Juan Pablo cry
Non-Bonus Aside: This was the first thing all season that I thought Juan Pablo handled really really well. He made her feel better about leaving and appeared mature and dignified throughout their goodbyes while still admitting that she would have gotten a rose had she stayed. But you know who handles break-ups well? People who don't care that much.  Lord help us all if Sharleen comes back...

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