Sunday, February 9, 2014

Week 5, The Scores

Alli – 5
+5 for crying

Andi – 45
+10 for kissing on a group date
+15 for Juan Pablo commenting on her attractiveness
+5 for a rose
Bonus: +10 for complaining about not getting the 1-on-1 (this has now been added to the permanent rules
+5 for exceptionally poor emotion recognition. Every time she complains she ends up feeling better and he winds up looking super annoyed. Someone needs to get her some feelings magnets to practice with. 

Cassandra – 25
+15 for Juan Pablo commenting on her attractiveness
+5 for a rose
Bonus: +5 for calling out the awkwardness of Clare coming back clearly upset. Cassandra, perhaps, needs to spend more time around grown-ups.

Chelsie – 10
+5 for crying 
+5 for a rose
Non-Bonus: Were it an option, Chelsie would deserve negative points for all her reasonableness about the fact that the other girls were jealous of Clare. No one wants you to be so accurate and mature!

Clare – 140
+15 for Juan Pablo commenting on her attractiveness
+20 for a date rose
+20 for kissing on a group date with hot tub bonus
+20 for stealing unsanctioned time with Juan Pablo
+25 for implied sex
+5 for crying
Bonus: +5 for faking allergies while crying
All the points (also know as +20) for saying, "I let go of fear and let myself be vulnerable. We just went for it. Pure Bliss in every way" follow by a description of herself with wobbly legs. We GET IT, Clare. You had sex.
+10 for her wildly inappropriate toast in which she felt it necessary to also tell the other girls that they had sex.

Danielle – 10
+5 for crying
Bonus: +5 for a rare exit with a little bit of class. 

Kat – 5
+5 for a rose

Kelly – 10
Bonus:+5 for wondering aloud what base Clare and Juan Pablo had made it to.
+5 for describing how Clare having no friends was an advantage
Non-Bonus: +15 for the editors who cut the clip of Kelly after she said, "Can we hate Clare for that? I mean, we can, but..." She was clearly just about to say something very reasonable. Thank heavens they rescued us from that!

Nikki – 85
+10 for facing a fear
+20 for a date rose
+5 for kissing on a one-on-one
+15 for Juan Pablo commenting on her attractiveness
Bonus: +10 for making a terrible metaphor about her date (adding this to the rules as well. I can't believe it wasn't already there)
+10 for snottiness around how she always gets a group date rose
+15 for pointing out both that she has a nice booty and that she has a big heart...Nikki, if you have to say it about yourself....

Renee – 60
+20 for a date rose
+10 for kissing in a group setting
+15 for Juan Pablo commenting on her attractiveness
+10 for referencing her connection with Juan Pablo
Bonus: + 5 for saying Juan Pablo makes her palms hurt as if that is just a thing.
Non-Bonus Aside: It is a remarkable feat of humanity that Clare somehow manages to make Juan Pablo seem less deplorable.  A remarkable feat that, unfortunately, does not carry with it any points.

Sharleen – 30
+10 for kissing in a group setting
+5 for a rose
+5 for crying
Bonus: +10 for questioning her connection...again...seriously, Sharleen. Give it a rest!

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