Friday, January 25, 2013

Episode 3, The Drama

The Situation: Kacie's revelation of tension between Desiree and Amanda
How Dramatic Was It? If drama's unit of measurement was the horrified cringe, then this would have been the most dramatic moment in Bachelor history. As it turns out, though, it was actually just really awkward. At least it gave Sean an opportunity to demonstrate that he didn't "have too much respect" for Kristy and Taryn to send them home during the rose ceremony.
Who's to Blame? Kacie.  And the American public school system. You guys, we have to stop teaching to the test and start focusing on critical reasoning.

The Situation: Tierra's Dive
How Dramatic Was It? Actually, pretty dramatic. This was a very rare incident where ABC's "coming up" build up actually proved to be less intriguing than the actual event. I don't want to see Tierra get hurt while the other women express breathy concern and make future stabs at stealing the spotlight from her sick bed. I want to see Tierra fake injury while the women express concern for approximately 30 secondary followed by (I imagine) hours of catty accusations. Also, hasn't ABC learned yet that we're gonna keep watching even without all the build up? You don't see drug dealers spending money on marketing campaigns, do you?
Who's to Blame? Tierra...and gravity. Not necessarily in that order. It's really, really hard to purposefully throw yourself down a flight of stairs. Not that I know from personal experience, but anyone who's ever watched a daytime soap can tell you that it takes great inner reserves of strength and an expected outcome far more nefarious than an extra five minutes with Sean. (Seriously, you save that move for when you're preventing the Count from discovering that you only had facial reconstructive surgery to look like his wife). What I suspect happened is that Tierra actually fell and then played up how injured she was until the ambulance showed up. Either that or a bored producer greased the stairs.
How Impressed would Noted Footballer and Diver Cristiano Ronaldo be? Probably very.  She got the call then got right back in the game. That's World Cup calibre stuff!

The Situation: The Final Rose
How Dramatic Was It? Not dramatic at all. Get your act together ABC editors!  We've already seen Desiree in scenes from coming weeks.

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