Saturday, January 19, 2013

Episode 2, The Drama

The Situation: Katie Going Home
How Dramatic Was It? As undramatic as it gets.  Katie wasn't upset. Sean wasn't upset. Chris Harrison didn't even make an appearance to feign fatherly concern.
Who's to Blame? Sean.  If he hadn't really meant it when he said this was a two-way street - if he hadn't allowed Katie to go - this never would have happened.  Or perhaps Chris Harrison forgot to tell him about the dungeon.

The Situation: Desiree Breaking the Art
How Dramatic Was It? Again, not really. Desiree either knew about the prank in advance, or thought that art was so ugly that she was glad to see it go. Desiree's reaction to seeing that Pier 1 Import craft project break was only a shade less happy that her reaction to the "gallery owner" thinking her famous enough to have her picture taken with the art.
Who's to Blame? Bob Saget or whoever else it was that made baby Sean think that pranks were hilarious. Also, probably Sean's parents for allowing him to believe that he was funny.  Neither of these things are true.

The Situation: The Final Rose
How Dramatic Was It? A little bit, maybe? I think Amanda was on the group date, and waiting until the cocktail party to establish her bitchiness didn't give me enough time to emotionally invest.  Also, I'm done buying the "She's a totally different person around us and around Sean. I just wish he'd see her true colors" line. Is it really more fake not to befriend the 18 women who are fighting to win over your boyfriend?
Who's to Blame? The producers and post-production team, definitely. Now, it's possible that Amanda was sitting on the couch looking pissy and refusing to talk to anyone all night, but it's also possible that this sulkiness was made more extreme in editing. If my two Virginia drivers' license photos are to be believed, than it is certainly more than possible to capture a perfectly nice person on film making a very bitchy face. My guess is that Amanda was a little less than warm with the other girls, and it was the producers who decided to play it up like she flat out wasn't talking.  Or maybe she really wasn't talking, but it was for a really good reason. Maybe she spent the night trying not to vomit as the stench of 18 cloying perfumes comingled in a dense cloud of disgusting over the mansion living room. You have to think that's a problem.  In any case, I'm no more ready to throw Amanda to the wolves than I am Tierra.  Let's hope next week they do something truly heinous to prove me wrong.

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