Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Episode 1, The Drama

The Situation: Multiple First Impression Roses
How Dramatic Was It?: Not very. I'm sure it made the girls feel incredibly stressed and nervous, but mostly for me it just made it really, really hard to figure out who was still in the game.
Who's to Blame?: Really hard to say actually. Looking at who got a first impression rose and who got a regular rose, I actually don't think there's going to be a long-term difference in who stays and who goes. It didn't really increase the excitement or identify clear front-runners, so...maybe Sean's just really bad with names?

The Situation: Kacie's Arrival
How Dramatic Was It?: Medium. More dramatic than Paige who both arrived and departed with a fizzle, but less dramatic than when Shawntel showed up for Ben, or probably even Kalon's helicopter. She made some comment about "not deserving a second chance" when she came in, which I though might be hinting at an illicit romantic past (if by illicit, you mean some light hand-holding and maybe a shared piece of pie at the county jamboree), but it seems like they just met one time, so I don't really know.
Who's to Blame?: When I first read she was on the show, my money was on the producers. Kacie and Sean do seem like a good fit, and Shawntel's arrival led to the second cattiest moment of Ben's season (the first cattiest being pretty much everything involving Courtney). But then Kacie showed up and she brought the twins. No woman brings that much cleavage to the table unless she's in it to win it, so I've now revised my earlier assessment of the situation and now very much believe that Kacie called Chris Harrison on his cell phone (the number to which he seems to give out like free shampoo samples) and got herself back on the show.

The Situation: The Final Rose
How Dramatic Was It?: Usually the night one rose ceremonies aren't terribly dramatic. By the time the Bachelor gets around to handing out the roses, I'm usually preoccupied by questions like "Wait, who's that girl?" and "How many Ashley's does one man need?" and "Shouldn't there be more vowels in her name?" But after her savvy strategy of wearing a wedding dress, and blowing her boozey breath in Sean's face, I have to admit I was a bit surprised to see Lindsay get the final rose.
Who's to Blame?: The producers, absolutely. I'm 99% positive that they gave Sean an ultimatum that he either pick Lindsay or prepare himself for an S&M-themed date with Ashley P.

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