Sunday, July 26, 2015

Finals, The Score

Emily - 120
Ben H. - 45
Jared -  25
Clint. - 30
Joshua - 5
Tanner - 15

Brandon - 125            Iza - 100
Ian - 50                        Kupah - 10
Chris - 10                     J.J. - 40
Ben Z. - 35                   Joe - 30
Tony - 10                     Shawn - 0
Jonathan - 20               Ryan M. - 20 

Ben H
Ben H. – 45
+15 (5 x 3) for audience applause
+20 for audience whispers
Bonus: +10 for showing the true extent of his blandness by summing up his five minutes of catcalls with "People have been very nice."
Important Info: And if there wasn't enough evidence already that Ben H. will make a very boring Bachelor, he did not look at all amused when Chris Harrison said "Up close, he doesn't get it." Because a largely humorless Bachelor is exactly what we need to get the program back on track!

Ben Z
Ben Z. – 35
+10 (5 x 2) for audience applause
+10 for saying the process changed him
+15 for confessing his love for Kaitlyn at Chris Harrison's behest
Important Info: Ben continues to seem like a lovely gentlemen, but his true coup of the season was leading Chris Harrison to say "I'm crying on the inside right now." I think we've all long assumed that that is Chris Harrison's default state.

Chris - 10
+5 for audience applause
+5 for being featured in a blooper
Important Info: All the completely unredeemable, totally value-less gratefulness points in the world for remaining mercifully quiet during most of the night.

Clint – 30
+10 (5 x 2) for audience applause
+5 for being featured in a blooper
Bonus: +15 for saying he didn't go on the show to make friends. An oldie but a goody, even on the Men Tell All.
Important Info: I understand the Men Tell All isn't exactly designed to give us closure so much as it is designed to stir up old arguments and preview the amazing new season of the most reprehensible show on the planet, but I felt like there were really a lot of unanswered questions when it came to Clint. How is his ongoing relationship with J.J.? Why was he allowed to continually talk about how he was super into Kaitlyn? Why hasn't Chris Harrison found the time to advise him on his facial hair choices?

Ian – 50
+15 (5 x 3) for audience applause
+15 earning many audience skeptical looks
Bonus: +15 for getting down on his knees to apologize...twice
+5 for hilariously getting a leg cramp in round two
Important Info: Apologizing certainly wasn't the wrong move for Ian personally or for Ian's mother...but in an episode where weirdly everybody forgave everybody else except, completely randomly, for Corey, it did not make for the best ever TV!

Jared – 25
+10 (5 x 2) for audience applause
+10 for being treated to a Chris Harrison superlative
+5 for being featured in a blooper
Important Info: I forgot about the stupidity of Love Man. I am glad they reminded me (painful though it was!) so that I can go back to being glad that Kaitlyn sent him home!

J. J. – 40
+10 (5 x 2) for audience applause
+10 for perhaps the most intense blooper in Bachelorette history
Bonus: +10 for Chris Harrison calling him out on his air quotes
+10 for repeatedly (if perhaps intentionally) perpetuating the Bachelorette team's edits with consistent poor word choices and reference to "lots of meat" and the like
Important Info: Given this year's focus on a Canadian Bachelorette, J.J. should probably lose all the points in the world for blaming "the hockey locker room" for any of his missteps.

Joe  Jonathan
Joe  30
+5 for audience applause
+5 for being featured in a blooper 
Bonus: +15 for getting a clorox deal to host a mid-show commercial with Becca
+5 for getting called out on laughing at J.J.
Important Info: I have no fear of pigeons, but I can't promise Joe's performance won't haunt my nightmares tonight...creepy stuff!

Jonathan - 20
+5 for audience applause
Bonus: +15 for getting called out on voting for Britt
Important Info: I hope to have a lot of important thoughts on Jonathan to report after Bachelor in Paradise. But in the meantime, I'll just keep thinking how he might want to keep his moral outrage a little less loud if he's going to keep abandoning his son.

Joshua   Kupah
Joshua – 5
+5 for audience applause
Important Info: There was not enough Joshua on this episode for my personal tastes...and is it possible his judgment has improved enough for him to refuse a spot on Bachelor in Paradise? That seems awfully unlikely...

Kupah - 10
+10 (5 x 2) for audience applause)
Important Info: Kupah probably isn't in the best spot to judge who did and did not "handle themselves the best" on this show.

Ryan M   
Ryan – 20
+5 for audience applause
Bonus: +5 for admitting to being "horned up"
+10 for bring a rose for a very special apology
Important Info: What would The Men Tell All be without a bit of blatant hypocrisy. Ryan M.'s behavior was so disgusting that it required Chris Harrison to escort him out mid-program without even consulting the prospective Bachelorettes. But not so disgusting that they didn't want him back for another show...

Shawn B   
Shawn – 0
Did not Appear
Important Info: I really thought Shawn might at least earn himself some blooper points, but I suppose we'll have to wait a whole 'nother week to hear him do something complain about Nick.
Tanner – 15
+10 (5 x 2) for audience applause
Important Info: He's saving himself to come up big on Bachelor in Paradise. He, Jared, and Ashley I. would be the choice first draft picks, if we were continuing with a summer league.
Tony – 10
+5 for audience applause
+5 for being featured in a blooper
Important Info: Naturally, Tony was too busy to say anything during this episode because he was far too busy visualizing himself at the zoo.

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