Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Week 6, The Scores

Amanda – 30
+20 for a date rose
+10 for kissing in a group setting
Important Info: Do you know what maybe isn't the best thing to say to a chirpy mother of two? "By day it's really hard to prove, but by night, you're the girl I'm really into." You know, unless what he's really into is being awoken in the middle of the night for damp sheets, bad dreams, and glasses of water. Then I guess it's feels more right.

Becca - 35
+10 (5 x 2) for two roses
+10 for kissing in a group date setting
Bonus: +15 for facing a fear that she didn't even know that she had!!
Important Info: Seriously, guys. Robot Becca noticed what was going on with Ben and Lauren B. this week. And as I imagine she's not great at recognizing much in the way of emotions or physical gestures, whatever they opted not to show us had to be exceptionally blatant.

Caila – 45
+5 for a rose
+20 for a date rose
+5 for kissing on a one-on-one
+15 for telling Ben she's falling in love with know...more or less
Important Info: My favorite part about Ben's date with Caila was when she said she knew she was falling in love because she felt understood. Caila, the man has three facial expressions. The one he was flashing at you throughout your meal wasn't understanding....

Emily – 40
+5 for a rose
+20 for a date rose
+5 for crying
Bonus: +10 for saying she still has so much life to experience and she wants Ben to experience it with her...not because it was untrue but because it was so, so very ridiculous
Important Info: Emily said she was worried that Olivia wouldn't show her true colors on the date, but perhaps she should have also been worried that Olivia wouldn't show them on film. Seriously, what did Olivia do to her besides offer her some (probably much needed) mothering?

Haley - 10
Bonus: By special request, Haley gets some points for having to continually be Emily's lifeline and offering supportive sisterly consoling.
Important Info: Maybe Haley's just having a grand old time wearing all of Emily's clothes and flirting with her ex-boyfriends back home. Because otherwise, Emily is going to owe her, minimally, a kidney when she eventually gets sent home in a couple of weeks. She's asking an awful lot of her twin sister.
Jennifer – 0
Important Info: Jennifer basically is Ben. Strong morals, dark hair, and exceptionally boring. It's hard to know which of these got her sent home, but my money is on number two!

Jo Jo – 25
+10 (5 x 2) for two roses
+5 for crying
Bonus: +10 for comparing the pig-ridden island to a bar in Dallas. By Texas bias is strong enough that I can't decide if she was implying that the men are boorish or if there are actually pigs in Dallas bars, but it was a pretty good line nonetheless
Important Info: Another source of confusion this week was Jo Jo's rose ceremony breakdown. Ben's always seemed super into her, but then again, he also seems to view her as his best friend, so...maybe she's been subjected to post mortems of his makeout sessions with Lauren that just haven't been appearing on screen?

Lauren B. – 20
+10 (5 x 2) for two roses
+5 for crying
+5 for misusing the word literally
Important Info: I am sympathetic to Lauren's need to incessantly talk about something that's not going super great, but maybe...doing that with girls in the house who you are competing with might have a little something to do with why you are finding yourself less than universally popular?

Lauren H. – 15
+5 for crying
Bonus: +10 for admitting that she quit her job
Important Info: Poor Lauren! And kindergarten jobs really aren't that easy to find! I just hope she manages to steer clear of Bachelor in Paradise or, as it might be more appropriately named, The Summer Vacation that Will Guarantee You Never Teach Again.

Leah – 170
+5 for a rose
+5 for crying
+30 for tattling on Lauren B.
+20 for stealing "unsanctioned" time with Ben
+100 for getting kicked off outside of game play
Bonus: +10 for being edited into making a metaphor about someone else's date while be very sad about not being on said date yourself
Important Info: So obviously I was wrong about Leah getting sent home (or perhaps I was just early! Could we even say "advanced?"). But I wasn't wrong about Ben's feelings toward her. Ben wants the women to be honest with him, but that doesn't mean his response to said honesty won't be "Suck it up. There's plenty of time on group dates too." 

Olivia – 75
+15 for telling Ben she's in love with him
+10 for kissing in a group date setting
+5 for crying
+25 for being abandoned on a deserted island (okay so semi-deserted. But I won't deprive you all of points because they caught her producers in the long shot!)
Bonus: +20 for the amazing collective statements she made this week in defending why she doesn't get along with the other girls, including:
"I'm into reading books and thinking."
"I want to talk smart things." (Subtext: Although I'd like to talk about them in grammatically questionable ways)
"Deep intellectual things are my jam"
"I'm very grounded and in tune with my body" (Wait, what? How is this one relevant? And how in tune with your body can you be if you're not even into painting your nails!?!)
Important Info: Amazing though they were, I'm not sure she really thought through the impact her words would have on Ben. It's possible that he was reacting to the arrogance of her saying "All those other women you hang out with are vapid bimbos." But I think his reaction was more along the lines of..."Smart things? Yuck!"

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