Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Show, An Interlude

Did I scare you?  Did you look at the picture above and think "how can there still be three girls I don't recognize when we're already in Episode 4?  Have they been trapped in the Bachelor mansion dungeon?"  Or maybe you weren't even alarmed. Maybe you just thought, "Wait, which one is Jackie again?"

The answers are that none of them is Jacki (but if anyone finds out what Jackie looks like or, better yet, actually hears her voice, can you let me know?), and none of them is actually on The Bachelor. Instead, these are the ladies from VH1's Making Mr. Right, and they've given me an excuse to take a break from the recap coverage to make a brief public service announcement.

I know we're not really in a reality dating show draught right now.  There are two episodes of The Bachelor next week (my poor blogging fingers ache at the thought!), and that Eva Longoria join has to be launching soon (or maybe it already started? I must confess to being behind on all things Longoria*). But this show is well worth a watch.

The concept is simple: Three girls and 12-odd guys live in a house. The girls pretend to be professional matchmakers - setting the guys up on dates and giving them advice - while spying on them at each step of the way, judging the men's performance and looking for matches of their own. There's also a real matchmaker swanning about, I'm sure serving some purpose I haven't quite figured out. (I'm sorry - did I say simple? I meant really, really complicated).  The stakes are high (or maybe they're not - as far as I can tell sometimes men get sent home, but not on any sort of consistent timetable or in a dramatically soundtracked ceremony of any kind), and the potential for disaster is even higher. And as this season of The Bachelor limps to a boring conclusion (seriously, after the 3rd overly dramatic minor injury, I only have so much emotional investment left to give), it might be exactly what you need to get your TV dating show ridiculousness fix.

*That includes you, Evan. I just can't get behind the Tampa Bay Rays this year.

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